4 Tips to Create a Home Learning Space

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home learning space

There is so much uncertainty about school in the fall.  Home learning will likely be a part of your kid’s school experience. To reduce some unknowns, the family could work together to create a fun home learning space!

Pick a Spot

Your home learning area does not need to look like a classroom.  You can pick any place in your home with room for a work surface, a comfortable seat, good lighting, and a little space for storage. Consider electric outlets and Wi-Fi if the kids need tech. 

The learning area could be an entire room or a small corner of a bedroom if you have limited space.  It could also be in the dining room with designated learning hours. 

Make it Nice

Research says that aesthetics are important to learning.  Consider making an area to display assignments or artistic creations.  You could paint one part of a wall with chalkboard paint or hang a large bulletin board.

Use shelves or drawers near the learning area to store class materials, paper, pencils, and pens. Place a trash can and recycling bin nearby.

Wide Worktable

Pick a place where students can spread out a little with their computer, books, or notes.  It is great if the area can be left undisturbed and returned to as needed throughout the day.  If you don’t have the room, consider a table that is only used for one other purpose (kitchen table, countertop). You can make it a family priority to clean the surface between each use.

Consider Comfort

Select a chair that you would not mind sitting in for a while.  Sitting still is hard when you are not comfortable and can lead to cranky students and parents.