5 Types of People that Hire a Home Cleaning Service

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Types of People that Hire a Home Cleaning Service

Many people think, “hiring a home cleaning service is not for me!  I’m not that type of person!”  But you would be surprised at who has a house cleaning service as part of the “village” they use to make their life successful. 

Married couples with kids

If your children are young or in high school, chances are you are busy!  You are probably multitasking- doing laundry while bathing the kids, cleaning the kitchen while dinner is cooking, running errands while the kids are at soccer practice, or picking up the house while the kids are taking a nap. A friend of mine described this concept as moving the chains – where she cleans a little every day but never feels like the house is really clean.

Hiring a house cleaning service can free you up to work, spend time with the kids, or just avoid the psychical and emotional exhaustion of feeling like you are trying to do everything.

Married couples without kids

If you are married without kids, chances are you are still very busy.  You probably both work and maybe one or both of you are in school.  You may be starting your own business or traveling for work. Cleaning can take time or cause frustration in the person that has to work and carry the cleaning load.  Hiring a housekeeping service is common in younger and older married couples because they may have a little extra money and can remove the stress of keeping up at home.

Career-focused men and women

If you are career-focused, then cleaning the house is time you could use to put in the extra hours to get ahead.  Carol Greider, a molecular biologist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, learned that she had won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine while she was folding laundry!! Sometimes having a successful career can mean working long hours or traveling.  Hiring a cleaning service can remove that worry so you can put your energy where it counts.

Retired people

A surprising number of our clients are retired!  You don’t want to spend your golden years scrubbing toilets when you could be starting a new hobby or taking the grandkids to the park.  Retirement is the perfect time to retire from exhausting household cleaning too!

Anyone that is busy or wants to spend their time doing other things!

Hiring a house cleaning service can make you happier, healthier, less stressed, and more productive. Not everyone who hires a house cleaning service has a fancy job and big paycheck.  To find out if you can afford it click here.

So, who hires a house cleaning service?  People like you!